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Association between VDR ApaI Polymorphism and Hip Bone Mineral Density Can Be Modified by Body Mass Index: A Study on Postmenopausal Chinese Women
引用本文:Xu H,Xiong DH,Xu FH,Zhang YY,Lei SF,Deng HW. Association between VDR ApaI Polymorphism and Hip Bone Mineral Density Can Be Modified by Body Mass Index: A Study on Postmenopausal Chinese Women[J]. Acta biochimica et biophysica Sinica, 2005, 37(1): 61-67
作者姓名:Xu H  Xiong DH  Xu FH  Zhang YY  Lei SF  Deng HW
作者单位:[1]LaboratoryofMolecularandStatisticalGenetics,CollegeofLifeSciences,HunanNormalUniversity,Changsha410081,China//DepartmentofPhysiology,JiangxiMedicalCollege,Nanchang330006,China [2]OsteoporosisResearchCenterandDepartmentofBiomedicalSciences,CreightonUniversityMedicalCenter,Omaha,NE68131,USA [3]LaboratoryofMolecularandStatisticalGenetics,CollegeofLifeSciences,HunanNormalUniversity,Changsha410081,China
摘    要:Osteoporosis is a major public health problem for old people. Genetic factors are considered to be major contributors to the pathogenesis of postmenopausal osteoporosis. The vitamin D receptor (VDR) gene is a prominent candidate gene for the regulation of postmenopausal bone mass; however, despite extensive studies, controversy remains regarding its association with postmenopausal body mineral density (BMD) variation. In this study, a total of 260 healthy postmenopausal Chinese women were genotyped at the VDR ApaI locus using polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP). Raw hip BMD was significantly associated with VDR ApaI polymorphism with and without adjusting for age (P=0.015 and 0.040, respectively). This genetic effect can explain 3.32% of hip BMD variation. However, the significant association vanished after correcting for both age and body mass index (BMI) (P=0.169). In addition, we observed a significant association between VDR ApaI polymorphism with unadjusted BMI(P=0.042) or BMI adjusted for age (P=0.049). The raw hip BMD was also found to be significantly correlated with BMI (r=0.517, P=0.0001), with BMI explaining 26.35% of the variation of hip BMD. All of these facts prompt us to conclude that the significant association between the VDR ApaI genotype and hip BMD may be modified by BMI in postmenopausal Chinese women. Our findings may partially explain the earlier inconsistent association results concerning the VDR gene and BMD, and highlight the importance of incorporating covariates such as BMI into osteoporosis association studies.

关 键 词:绝经妇女 骨无机盐密度 医学遗传学 骨质疏松 维生素D受体基因 体质指标 成因

Association between VDR ApaI polymorphism and hip bone mineral density can be modified by body mass index: a study on postmenopausal Chinese women
Xu Hong,Xiong Dong-Hai,Xu Fu-Hua,Zhang Yuan-Yuan,Lei Shu-Feng,Deng Hong-Wen. Association between VDR ApaI polymorphism and hip bone mineral density can be modified by body mass index: a study on postmenopausal Chinese women[J]. Acta biochimica et biophysica Sinica, 2005, 37(1): 61-67
Authors:Xu Hong  Xiong Dong-Hai  Xu Fu-Hua  Zhang Yuan-Yuan  Lei Shu-Feng  Deng Hong-Wen
Affiliation:Laboratory of Molecular and Statistical Genetics, College of Life Sciences, Hunan Normal University, Changsha 410081, China.
Abstract:Osteoporosis is a major public health problem for old people. Genetic factors are considered to be major contributors to the pathogenesis of postmenopausal osteoporosis. The vitamin D receptor (VDR) gene is a prominent candidate gene for the regulation of postmenopausal bone mass; however, despite extensive studies, controversy remains regarding its association with postmenopausal body mineral density (BMD) variation. In this study, a total of 260 healthy postmenopausal Chinese women were genotyped at the VDR ApaI locus using polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP). Raw hip BMD was significantly associated with VDR ApaI polymorphism with and without adjusting for age (P=0.015 and 0.040, respectively). This genetic effect can explain 3.32% of hip BMD variation. However, the significant association vanished after correcting for both age and body mass index (BMI) (P=0.169). In addition, we observed a significant association between VDR ApaI polymorphism with unadjusted BMI (P=0.042) or BMI adjusted for age (P=0.049). The raw hip BMD was also found to be significantly correlated with BMI (r=0.517, P=0.0001), with BMI explaining 26.35% of the variation of hip BMD. All of these facts prompt us to conclude that the significant association between the VDR ApaI genotype and hip BMD may be modified by BMI in postmenopausal Chinese women. Our findings may partially explain the earlier inconsistent association results concerning the VDR gene and BMD, and highlight the importance of incorporating covariates such as BMI into osteoporosis association studies.
Keywords:body mass index (BMI)    bone mineral density (BMD)    genetic association    osteoporosis    vitamin D receptor (VDR) gene
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