Abstract: | Maximum likelihood estimates of familial correlations are presented for 12 cranio-facial measurements taken on 399 nuclear families from Southern India. Marital resemblance is significantly different from zero for head circumference, head breadth, minimum frontal breadth, bizygomatic breadth, total facial height, and nasal height, but not for bigonial breadth, nose breadth, nose depth, or ear dimensions. All other familial correlations are significantly greater than zero except for the father-daughter correlation for nasal depth. Path analysis with a TAU transmission model with sex effects reveals that family resemblance for head circumference, head length, bigonial breadth, total facial height, and nasal height, but not for bigonial breadth, nose breadth, nose depth, or ear dimensions. All other familial correlations are significantly greater than zero except for the father-daughter correlation for nasal depth. Path analysis with a TAU transmission model with sex effects breadth, and sex effects in transmission were found for head breadth and nose dimensions. Sex effects in this sample may be due to the fact that different anthropometrists were used for male and female subjects. |