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Location of cell cycle changes in relation to morphological changes in the shoot apex ofSilene coeli-rosa immediately before sepal initiation
Authors:Arlette Nougarède  D. Francis  P. Rondet
Affiliation:(1) Laboratoire de Cytologie Expérimentale et Morphogenèse Végétale, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Bâtiment N 2 (boîte 150), 4 place Jussieu, F-75252 Paris Cedex 05, France;(2) School of Pure and Applied Biology, University of Wales, Cardiff
Abstract:Summary Changes in morphology, the mitotic index and the proportions of cells in G1 and G2 were measured in shoot meristems ofSilene coeli-rosa immediately before floral morphogenesis in order to determine whether the known changes to the cell cycle at this time are restricted to a particular region of the apex. Twenty-eight day-old plants were given either 7 long days (LD) plus 2 short days (SD) (day 8 of the LD treatment) or 9 SD [day 8 of the SD control (SDC) treatment]. Plants were sampled on day 8 every 2 h for 12 h and the various cell cycle measurements were performed on sections of the apical meristem. In the inductive LD treatment there was a peak in the mitotic index at 13.00 h and, possibly, the start of another at 19.00 h. At 21.00 h all meristems in this treatment initiated sepals. The mitotic activity at 13.00 and 19.00 h in the LD treatment was a result of significant increases in the mitotic index in the axial, lateral and central sub-axial areas of the apex compared with the corresponding zones in the SDC treatment. At 13.00 h of day 8, 80% of cells were in G2 phase in the axial region in the LD treatment whilst 85% of cells were in G1 in the axial zone in the SDC treatment. In the other zones significantly more cells were in G2 in the LD compared with the SDC treatment as was the case at 19.00 h although not to the same extent as the axial zone at 13.00 h. Thus these data emphasize, for the first time, the mitotic activation and predominance of the G2 population of cells particularly in the axial zone of shoot meristems in the LD treatment. These data are discussed in relation to the synchronisation of cell division which could occur in the prefloral shoot meristem at this time, affecting each shoot apical zone.Abbreviations LD long day - SD short day - SDC short day control
Keywords:Cell cycle  Flowering  Nuclear DNA content  Shoot apex  Silene coeli-rosa
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