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Regeneration of lost siphon tissues in the tellinacean bivalve Nuttallia olivacea
Authors:Takeshi Tomiyama  Kinuko Ito
Affiliation:Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Tohoku University, Aoba-ku, Sendai 981-8555, Japan
The inhalant siphon of the tellinacean bivalve Nuttallia olivacea is an important prey item for juvenile stone flounder Platichthys bicoloratus in estuaries in Japan. We examined quantitative siphon regeneration of N. olivacea in rearing experiments of siphon-removed bivalves (> 30 mm shell length) both in the laboratory and in their natural habitat. Under laboratory conditions, siphon-removed bivalves regenerated lost tissues quantitatively at 15 and 25 °C 1 mo after siphon removal, although regeneration was incomplete. A 3-mo caging experiment in the field showed that great regeneration occurred in siphon-removed bivalves. However, the siphon weight of removed bivalves was significantly smaller than that of non-amputated bivalves, suggesting the incomplete regeneration. In a 1-mo caging experiment, bivalves that had approximately 15% of their siphons amputated were selected at some intervals to illustrate the quantitative regeneration process. Estimated daily siphon production was remarkably high only a few days after amputation. It decreased greatly thereafter, but regeneration was not completed within 30 d. These results indicate that bivalves regenerate siphons rapidly just after losing siphon tissues and then regeneration is slowed down before it is completed.
Keywords:Caging experiment   Nuttallia olivacea   Quantitative regeneration   Tellinacean bivalve
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