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Hemocyanin gene family evolution in spiders (Araneae), with implications for phylogenetic relationships and divergence times in the infraorder Mygalomorphae
Authors:James Starrett  Marshal Hedin  Nadia Ayoub  Cheryl Y. Hayashi
Affiliation:1. Department of Biology, University of California, Riverside, CA 92521, USA;2. Department of Biology, San Diego State University, San Diego, CA 92182, USA;3. Department of Biology, Washington and Lee University, Lexington, VA 24450, USA
Abstract:Hemocyanins are multimeric copper-containing hemolymph proteins involved in oxygen binding and transport in all major arthropod lineages. Most arachnids have seven primary subunits (encoded by paralogous genes ag), which combine to form a 24-mer (4 × 6) quaternary structure. Within some spider lineages, however, hemocyanin evolution has been a dynamic process with extensive paralog duplication and loss. We have obtained hemocyanin gene sequences from numerous representatives of the spider infraorders Mygalomorphae and Araneomorphae in order to infer the evolution of the hemocyanin gene family and estimate spider relationships using these conserved loci. Our hemocyanin gene tree is largely consistent with the previous hypotheses of paralog relationships based on immunological studies, but reveals some discrepancies in which paralog types have been lost or duplicated in specific spider lineages. Analyses of concatenated hemocyanin sequences resolved deep nodes in the spider phylogeny and recovered a number of clades that are supported by other molecular studies, particularly for mygalomorph taxa. The concatenated data set is also used to estimate dates of higher-level spider divergences and suggests that the diversification of extant mygalomorphs preceded that of extant araneomorphs. Spiders are diverse in behavior and respiratory morphology, and our results are beneficial for comparative analyses of spider respiration. Lastly, the conserved hemocyanin sequences allow for the inference of spider relationships and ancient divergence dates.
Keywords:AIC, Akaike information criterion   AR, Araneomorphae   BF, Bayes factor   BLAST, basic local alignment search tool   BP, bootstrap proportion   cDNA, DNA complementary to RNA   CI, credibility interval   DNA, deoxyribonucleic acid   dNTP, deoxyribonucleoside triphosphate   EF-1γ, elongation factor-1 gamma   EST, expressed sequence tag   HKY, Hasegawa, Kishino and Yano   F81, Felsenstein 1981   GTR, general time reversible   HM, harmonic mean   I, invariable   MCMC, Markov chain Monte Carlo   ML, maximum likelihood   MP, maximum parsimony   MRCA, most recent common ancestor   MY, Mygalomorphae   MYA, million years ago   Myr, million years   PAML, phylogenetic analysis by maximum likelihood   PAUP, phylogenetic analysis using parsimony   PCR, polymerase chain reaction   PP, posterior probability   RTA, retrolateral tibial apophysis   rDNA, DNA coding for rRNA   SYM, symmetrical model   TBR, tree-bisection&ndash  reconnection
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