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The nitrite-oxidizing community in activated sludge from a municipal wastewater treatment plant determined by fatty acid methyl ester-stable isotope probing
Authors:Myriam Kruse,Sabine Zumbrä  gel,Evert Bakker,Eva Spieck,Till Eggers,André   Lipski
Affiliation:1. Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, Institut für Ernährungs- und Lebensmittelwissenschaften, Abteilung Lebensmittelmikrobiologie und -hygiene, Meckenheimer Allee 168, 53115 Bonn, Germany;2. Biozentrum Klein Flottbek, Universität Hamburg, Mikrobiologie und Biotechnologie, Ohnhorststr. 18, 22609 Hamburg, Germany;3. Universität Osnabrück, Abteilung Mikrobiologie, Barbarastraße 11, 49076 Osnabrück, Germany;4. Universität Osnabrück, Abteilung Ökologie, Barbarastraße 13, 49076 Osnabrück, Germany
Abstract:Metabolically-active autotrophic nitrite oxidizers from activated sludge were labeled with 13C-bicarbonate under exposure to different temperatures and nitrite concentrations. The labeled samples were characterized by FAME-SIP (fatty acid methyl ester-stable isotope probing). The compound cis-11-palmitoleic acid, which is the major lipid of the most abundant nitrite oxidizer in activated sludge, Candidatus Nitrospira defluvii, showed 13C-incorporation in all samples exposed to 3 mM nitrite. Subsequently, the lipid cis-7-palmitoleic acid was labeled, and it indicated the activity of a nitrite oxidizer that was different from the known Nitrospira taxa in activated sludge. The highest incorporation of cis-7-palmitoleic acid label was found after incubation with a nitrite concentration of 0.3 mM at 17 and 22 °C. While activity of Nitrobacter populations could not be detected by the FAME-SIP approach, an unknown nitrite oxidizer with the major lipid cis-9 isomer of palmitoleic acid exhibited 13C-incorporation at 28 °C with 30 mM nitrite. These results indicated flexibility of nitrite-oxidizing guilds in a complex community responding to different conditions. Labeled lipids so far not described for activated sludge-associated nitrifiers indicated the presence of unknown nitrite oxidizers in this habitat. The FAME-SIP-based information can be used to define appropriate conditions for the enrichment of nitrite-oxidizing guilds from complex samples.
Keywords:ECL, equivalent chain lengths   FAME-SIP, fatty acid methyl ester-stable isotope probing   FISH, fluorescence in situ hybridization   GC&ndash  MS, gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry   HPLC, high performance liquid chromatography   NOB, nitrite-oxidizing bacteria   PLFA, phospholipid fatty acid   SIM, single ion monitoring   T-RFLP, terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism
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