Abstract: | Steroid hormones play a key role in the beginning, development and termination of gestation. This reveiw is devoted for physiological effects of estrogens, progesterone, cortisole, ACTH, CRH in various pregnancy events: implantation, fetus development, maternal adaptation and birth initiation. Priority is fixed for estrogens--steroids that vastly increase maternal circulating blood value, induce progesterone action on uterus, regulate fetal "hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical" axis, control free cortisole level in feminine blood. Diagnostic criterions of steroid hormone determination durijng pregnancy are presented. To day unconjugated estriol is the only steroid hormone that implicated in total pregnancy screening programs. Its concentration reduction has been noted in pregnancies with Dawn syndrome, some child enzyme defetcs, intrauterine growth retardation and fetal death incidents. |