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引用本文:张婷婷,葛长荣,李思函,王凯,管云,窦体寿,肖春. 酪蝇交配行为和能力[J]. 昆虫知识, 2011, 48(3): 634-638
作者姓名:张婷婷  葛长荣  李思函  王凯  管云  窦体寿  肖春
作者单位:1. 云南农业大学植物保护学院,昆明,650201
2. 云南民望种业有限公司,昆明,650200
摘    要:在(27±1)℃,光周期L∶D=12∶12的条件下对酪蝇Piophila casei L.交配行为及能力进行了研究。结果表明,雌虫在羽化1min后即可交配,而雄虫在羽化30min后进行交配。进一步观察结果表明,羽化后80min的两性成虫交配率最高(90%),成虫一天之中的交配高峰期出现在10∶00—11∶00,次高峰出现在11∶00—12∶00。两性交配持续时间从4~9min不等,以5min为最多(43.3%),6min次之(23.3%)。一般情况下,雌虫一生只交配1次,雄虫从1~7次不等,但以2次为最多(45%),3次的次之(20%)。

关 键 词:酪蝇  交配行为

Mating behavior and capacity of cheese skipper Piophila casei
ZHANG Ting-Ting,GE Chang-Rong,LI Si-Han,WANG Kai,GUAN Yun,DOU Ti-Shou,XIAO Chun. Mating behavior and capacity of cheese skipper Piophila casei[J]. Entomological Knowledge, 2011, 48(3): 634-638
Authors:ZHANG Ting-Ting  GE Chang-Rong  LI Si-Han  WANG Kai  GUAN Yun  DOU Ti-Shou  XIAO Chun
Affiliation:ZHANG Ting-Ting1 GE Chang-Rong1 LI Si-Han1 WANG Kai1GUAN Yun2 DOU Ti-Shou2 XIAO Chun1(1.Plant Protection College,Yunnan Agricultural University,Kunming 650201,China,2.Yunnan Minwang Co.,Ltd.,Kunming 650200,China)
Abstract:Mating behavior and capacity in the Piophila casei L.were investigated under laboratory conditions (27℃ ±1℃,L:D =12:12).The results indicated that the females were able to mate immediately after emergence,and the males started to mate 30min after emergence.Peaking mating-rate occurred in the both sexes that just emerged 80min.It was observed that daily mating-peak occurred from 10:00 to 11.00.Mating duration of both sexes was mainly about 5min with a range from 4 to 9min.Behavioral observation indicated that females mated only once,and males could mate more than 2 times (1-7 times) with a peak of 2 times (45%).
Keywords:Piophila casei  mating behavior  
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