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Multidomain Human Peroxidasin 1 Is a Highly Glycosylated and Stable Homotrimeric High Spin Ferric Peroxidase
Authors:Monika Soudi  Martina Paumann-Page  Cedric Delporte  Katharina F. Pirker  Marzia Bellei  Eva Edenhofer  Gerhard Stadlmayr  Gianantonio Battistuzzi  Karim Zouaoui Boudjeltia  Paul G. Furtmüller  Pierre Van Antwerpen  Christian Obinger
Human peroxidasin 1 (hsPxd01) is a multidomain heme peroxidase that uses bromide as a cofactor for the formation of sulfilimine cross-links. The latter confers critical structural reinforcement to collagen IV scaffolds. Here, hsPxd01 and various truncated variants lacking nonenzymatic domains were recombinantly expressed in HEK cell lines. The N-glycosylation site occupancy and disulfide pattern, the oligomeric structure, and unfolding pathway are reported. The homotrimeric iron protein contains a covalently bound ferric high spin heme per subunit with a standard reduction potential of the Fe(III)/Fe(II) couple of −233 ± 5 mV at pH 7.0. Despite sequence homology at the active site and biophysical properties similar to human peroxidases, the catalytic efficiency of bromide oxidation (kcat/KMapp) of full-length hsPxd01 is rather low but increased upon truncation. This is discussed with respect to its structure and proposed biosynthetic function in collagen IV cross-linking.
Keywords:Collagen   Extracellular Matrix Protein   Glycosylation   Metalloenzyme   Peroxidase   Peroxidasin   Vascular Peroxidase
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