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Stability of Polysome-Associated mRNA in Potato Tuber Cells during Aging of Tissue Discs
Authors:Sato, Takahide   Watanabe, Akira   Imaseki, Hidemasa
Affiliation:Research Institute for Biochemical Regulation, Faculty of Agriculture, Nagoya University Chikusa-ku, Nagoya 464, Japan
Abstract:The stability of polysome-associated mRNA in potato tuber discsin the early stage of aging was examined by pulse-chase labelingexperiments and the change in the translational capacity ofthe RNA was studied using a wheat germ translation system. Theincorporation of pulse-fed 3H-uridine into polysomal RNA wasnot arrested immediately after the addition of actinomycin Dto the tissue, but increased by 25% during 4 hr of chasing.The radioactivity in the polysomal RNA then decreased by only30% of the value at the 4th hr during the next 9 hr in the presenceof actinomycin D. The remaining radioactivity in the polysomalRNA was stable at least for 18 hr. The proportion of radioactivityin polyadenylated RNA to that in non-polyadenylated RNA didnot vary appreciably during the chasing period. Non-polyadenylatedRNA of high molecular weight degraded faster than that of lowmolecular weight, but polyadenylated RNA did not show such size-selectivedegradation. The translational capacity of the polysomal RNAalso decreased by about 23% within 9 hr during the period ofinhibited RNA synthesis. In vivo experiments of 14C-leucineincorporation into proteins in the absence of RNA synthesissuggested that stable polysome-associated mRNA was actuallyfunctioning in the cells. SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresisof the in vitro translation products indicated that mRNA codingfor polypeptides with relatively high molecular weights turnedover slightly faster than those for low molecular weight polypeptides. 1Present address: Department of Agricultural Chemistry, Facultyof Horticulture, Chiba University, Matsudo 271, Japan. (Received May 12, 1982; Accepted August 26, 1982)
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