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Relative Nitrogen Limitation at Steady-state Nutrition as a Determinant of Plasticity in Five Grassland Plant Species
Affiliation:Departments of Conservation Biology Production, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Box 7002, SE-750 07, Uppsala, Sweden Department of Production Ecology, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, PO Box 7042, SE-750 07, Uppsala, Sweden
Abstract:Partitioning of biomass between roots and different shoot partshas often been used to explain the response of plants to variationsin resource availability. There are still many uncertaintiesin the importance of this trait for plant performance, and clearguidelines on how partitioning should be quantified in relationto growth rate and resource supply are of fundamental importancefor such an understanding. This paper reports an attempt toshow how plant nitrogen status relates to root:shoot partitioningand other plastic responses, in a manner that can be used forquantitative predictions. The reactions to nitrogen limitationof five grassland plant species, with different ecological demands,were compared. The species used were the forbs Polygala vulgarisand Crepis praemorsa, and the grasses Danthonia decumbens, Agrostiscapillaris and Dactylis glomerata. The experiment was conductedin a climate chamber where the plants were grown hydroponically(1) under non-limiting nutrient conditions and (2) at a steady-statenitrogen limitation, which enabled the plants to express halfof their growth potential. The relative growth rate (RGR) ofthe species was strongly related to plant nitrogen concentration(PNC) and leaf area ratio (LAR), whereas the effects on netassimilation rate (NAR) were very small. Despite large differencesin maximum relative growth rate, the species showed remarkablesimilarities in dry matter partitioning between root and shoot.It is concluded that root:shoot partitioning can be treatedas a direct function of the relative resource limitation ofthe plant. The difficulty of attaining well-defined levels ofresource limitation in soil, other solid substrates and manyhydroponic systems may be the most important reason for thedivergent results in earlier studies. Better knowledge of soil-rootinteractions, and plant responses to the whole span of resource-supplylevels, is required for a thorough understanding of how nutrientslimit growth. Copyright 1999 Annals of Botany Company Growth rate, plant strategies, plasticity, partitioning, biomass, nitrogen, nutrient limitation, grassland.
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