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A novel connection between the yeast Cdc42 GTPase and the Slt2-mediated cell integrity pathway identified through the effect of secreted Salmonella GTPase modulators
Authors:Rodríguez-Pachón José M  Martín Humberto  North Gaelle  Rotger Rafael  Nombela César  Molina María
Affiliation:Departamento de Microbiologia II, Facultad de Farmacia, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Plaza Ramón y Cajal s/n, Madrid 28040, Spain.
Abstract:Modulation of host cellular GTPases through the injection of the effector proteins SopE2 and SptP is essential for Salmonella typhimurium to enter into non-phagocytic cells. Here we show that expression of the guanine nucleotide exchange factor for Cdc42 SopE2 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae leads to the activation of Fus3 and Kss1 MAPKs, which operate in the mating and filamentation pathways, causing filamentous growth in haploid yeast cells. Furthermore, it promotes the activation of the cell integrity MAPK Slt2. Cdc42 activation by removal of its putative intrinsic GTPase-activating proteins (GAPs), Rga1, Rga2, and Bem3, also results in the phosphorylation of Kss1, Fus3, and Slt2 MAPKs. These data support the role of these GAP proteins as negative regulators of Cdc42, confirm the modulating effect of this GTPase on the filamentation and mating pathways and point to a novel connection between Cdc42 and the cell integrity pathway. Cdc42-induced activation of Slt2 occurs in a mating and filamentation pathway-dependent manner, but it does not require the function of Rho1, which is the GTPase that operates in the cell integrity pathway. Moreover, we report that Salmonella SptP can act as a GAP for Cdc42 in S. cerevisiae, down-regulating MAPK-mediated signaling. Thus, yeast provides a useful system to study the interaction of bacterial pathogenic proteins with eukaryotic signaling pathways. Furthermore, these proteins can be used as a tool to gain insight into the mechanisms that regulate MAPK-mediated signaling in eukaryotes.
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