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The transmission of strawberry latent ringspot virus by Xiphinema diversicaudatutn (Nematoda)
Authors:B. D. HARRISON
Affiliation:Rothamsted Experimental Station, Harpenden, Hertfordshire
Abstract:Strawberry latent ringspot virus (SLRV) was found in diseased rose bushes growing in a glasshouse where the soil contained Xiphinema diversicaudatum (Micol). Adult female, adult male and juvenile X. diversicaudatum all transmitted the virus to cucumber seedlings, and nematodes kept without plants for 32 days after acquiring SLRV later transmitted it. When transferred to fresh plants every 2–4 days for 3 weeks, single nematodes transmitted up to three times; one nematode did not transmit until 19 days after the transfers began. One adult X. diversicaudatum, out of 141 tested, transmitted both SLRV and arabis mosaic virus. In all respects X. diversicaudatum behaved as a vector of SLRV as it does as a vector of arabis mosaic virus.
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