Canopy throughfall of Picea abies (L.) Karst. as depending on trace gas concentrations |
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Authors: | Stefan Slovik Árpad Balázs Alfred Siegmund |
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Affiliation: | (1) Julius-von-Sachs-Institut für Biowissenschaften mit Botanischtem Garten der Universität Würzburg, Lehrstuhl für Botanik I, Mittlerer Dallenbergweg 64, 97082 Würzburg, Germany;(2) Hessische Forstliche Versuchsanstalt, Abteilung Forsthydrologie, Prof.-Oelkers-Str. 6, 34346 Hannoversch Münden., Germany;(3) Hessische Landesanstalt für Umwelt, Rheingaustraße 186, 65203 Wiesbaden, Germany |
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Abstract: | At six sites in central Germany consequences of SO2, NOX and O3 deposition and of acid precipitation on canopy throughfall of sulphate, nitrate, ammonium, organic acids and of metal cations from Norway spruce crowns were investigated in the field. Measured canopy throughfall rates (mmol ion kg-1 needle dw a-1 are separated in (i) background ion throughfall rates in clean air and (ii) trace gas-(or acid interception)-dependent throughfall rates at ambient trace gas concentrations. Based on synchronously measured pollution, precipitation and canopy throughfall data, statistical response functions are given, which allow the separate estimation of annual rates of sulphur and nitrogen deposition into spruce canopies if only annual means of SO2 or NO2 concentrations in air are known. The specific SO2 deposition rate of (0.841±0.214) mmol S kg-1 needle dw a-1 (nPa SO2 Pa-1)-1 is 2.3 times higher than the specific stomatal SO2 uptake. The NO2-dependent nitrogen deposition of (2.464±0.707) mmol N kg-1 needle dw a-1 (nPa NO2 Pa-1)-1 is 2.2 times higher than the specific stomatal NOX (NO2+NO) uptake. These ratios (2.3 2.2) are explained by the percentage of annual hours with open needle stomata. The shape of observed epicuticular SO2 and NOX deposition curves and of stomatal SO2 and NOX uptake curves are congruent. As for stomatal NOX uptake, there is an apparent compensation point at (5 to 8) nPa NO2 Pa-1. There is significant SO2-dependent canopy throughfall of Ca>K>Al>Mg>Fe in this order of relative importance. NOX deposition in spruce canopies reduces K+ throughfall and it weakly promotes throughfall of Mn2+ and Zn2+. There was no significant codeposition of sulphate and ammonium and no ion exchange of intercepted H3O+ with nutrient cations at the measured ambient pH values of the precipitation water. In the presence of O3, throughfall of Mn2+ is reduced and throughfall of K+, Ca2+ and Al3+ is enhanced. In the cooperative presence of SO2, NO2 and O3 pollution in the field there is a 1.3-fold increase of the annual K+ demand and a 1.5-fold Mg2+ demand of spruce canopies relative to the situation in clean air. This trace gas-dependent additional cation demand of spruce canopies corresponds to a needle loss percentage of (23 to 33)% if the additional K+ and Mg2+ throughfall could not be recycled in spruce ecosystems. Observed canopy thinning ranges from (13 to 26)% at the investigated six spruce stands.Abbreviations Aspec Specific needle surface area per kg needle dry matter (m2kg-1 needle dw) - Atot Total needle surface of spruce stands (ha ha-1) - [gas]a Ambient trace gas concentration (gas=SO2; NO2 or O3) in air (nPa Pa-1=ppb) - GP Number of days per annual growth period d a-1) - ICH30+ Acid interception rate (Eq H3O+ kg-1 needle dw a-1) - ko Trace gas-independent ion throughfall rate constant (mmol kg-1 needle dw a-1) - kgas SO2-,NO2-or O3-dependent ion throughfall rate per unit of trace gas pollution (mmol kg-1 needle dw a-1 (nPa Pa-1)-1) - kH30 Specific H3O+/Me+ exchange ratio (mol mol-1) - Lo Background throughfall rate at [gas]a=0 (mmol kg-1 needle dw a-1) - Lion Canopy throughfall rate of ions (mmol kg-1 needle dw a-1) - L'ion Trace gas dependent ion throughfall (mEq kg-1 needle dw a-1 (nPa Pa-1)-1) - LAI Leaf area index of the canopy (m2 projected needle surface m-2 ground) - Me+ Equivalents of metal cations (Eq) - N Stock of needles of spuce stands in the field (kg needle dw ha-1) - P% Percentage of needle loss relative to a healthy reference (%) - r Pearson correlation coefficient (no dimension) - R COO--Sum of all organic anion equivalents Cat+ - An- (Eq kg-1 needle dw a-1) - An- Sum of all measured inorganic anion equivalents (Eq kg-1 needle dw a-1) - Cat+ Sum of all measured inorganic cation equivalents (Eq kg-1 needle dw a-1) |
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Keywords: | acid load (proton balance) air pollution (SO2, NO2, NO, O3) canopy leaching (SO42-, NO3-, NH4+, Ca2+, Mg2+, K+, Mn2+) dry and wet deposition (canopy throughfall, stomata) epicuticular trace gas absorption forest decline Norway spruce (Picea abies, Pinaceae) |
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