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引用本文:齐文平,王艳慧,赵文吉,梁晨霞,程序. 虑及生态环境的十四片区贫困县多维贫困度量[J]. 生态学杂志, 2018, 29(11): 3760-3772. DOI: 10.13287/j.1001-9332.201811.013
作者姓名:齐文平  王艳慧  赵文吉  梁晨霞  程序
作者单位:1.中电科大数据研究院有限公司, 贵阳 5500811;;2.首都师范大学资源环境与地理信息系统北京市重点实验室, 北京 100048;;3.首都师范大学三维信息获取与应用教育部重点实验室, 北京 100048;;4.首都师范大学城市环境过程与数字模拟国家重点实验室培育基地, 北京 100048
基金项目:本文由国家自然科学基金项目(41771157)、国家重点研发计划项目(2018YFB0505400)、北京市教委科研计划项目 (KM201810028014)和首都师范大学科技创新平台建设项目资助
摘    要:
贫困县监测作为新阶段国家扶贫战略格局的重要组成部分,也是国家“精准扶贫”战略实施的前提和保障.本研究充分考虑片区内脆弱生态环境与经济贫困的共生共存关系,以全国14个集中连片特困区内的724个县为研究区,设计体现经济状态(贫困表象)、社会状态(生活保障能力)和生态环境状态(区域发展潜在能力)的县级多维贫困度量指标体系,多尺度多角度分析贫困县的贫困程度、贫困类型、致贫原因及其空间分布特征.结果表明: 研究区内各县贫困程度为较低贫困和中度贫困多、低度贫困和高度贫困少的 “橄榄型”分布结构;空间上表现为西高东低的“阶梯状”异质性格局,同时存在不同量级、“星点”式贫困核心,贫困县多维贫困存在较强的全局空间依赖性,局部呈现为高-高与低-低集中式分布、高-低与低-高离散分布;胡焕庸线两侧的贫困分布特征差异明显;七因素综合型贫困县数量最多,区位优势、地形条件、扶贫绩效等是影响减贫发展的显著性因素,生态环境恶化、自然禀赋恶劣所导致的生态贫困已经成为我国大部分地区贫困的区域性特征.

关 键 词:多维贫困度量  贫困程度  贫困类型  致贫因素  空间分布

Multidimensional poverty measurement of poverty-stricken counties in China’s 14 conti-guous destitute areas considering ecological environment
QI Wen-ping,WANG Yan-hui,ZHAO Wen-ji,LIAGN Chen-xia,CHENG Xu. Multidimensional poverty measurement of poverty-stricken counties in China’s 14 conti-guous destitute areas considering ecological environment[J]. Chinese Journal of Ecology, 2018, 29(11): 3760-3772. DOI: 10.13287/j.1001-9332.201811.013
Authors:QI Wen-ping  WANG Yan-hui  ZHAO Wen-ji  LIAGN Chen-xia  CHENG Xu
As an important part of the national poverty alleviation strategy in China, monitoring of poverty-stricken counties is the precondition and guarantee for implementing national precise poverty reduction strategies. Taking 724 poverty-stricken counties in 14 contiguous destitute areas as the study area, we designed a county-level multidimensional poverty measurement index system that reflected the economic state (poverty appearance), social state (living guarantee ability) and ecological environment state (potential capacity of regional development) in fully consideration of the interdependent relationship between ecological vulnerability and economic poverty, and analyzed the poverty degree, poverty type, causes of poverty and the spatial distribution characteristics in multi-scale and multi-angle levels. The results showed that the distribution of poverty level of different counties represented a geometrically olive-shaped pattern that was larger in lower and moderate impoverished counties and smaller in low and high poverty-stricken counties. As far as the distribution of poverty-stricken counties was concerned, the distribution was spatially heterogeneous, presenting a typical stepped structure that was “west-high vs. east-low”, where different levels of dotted poverty kernels were scattered. The multidimensional characteristics of poverty-stricken counties represented a wholely strong spatial dependence; however, both High-High areas and Low-Low areas were distributed intensively while both High-Low areas and Low-High areas were distributed discretely. The characteristics of poverty distribution on both sides of the “Hu Line” were obviously different. The number of seven-factor comprehensive poverty-stricken counties was the most, while the location advantages, terrain conditions and poverty alleviation performance were the significant factors affecting the development of poverty reduction. Ecological poverty caused by deterioration of ecological environment and natural endowments is a regional characteristic in most poverty areas of China.
Keywords:multidimensional poverty measurement  poverty level  poverty type  poverty-causing factor  spatial distribution
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