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引用本文:康文刚,陈光杰,王教元,胡葵,陶建霜,刘园园,陈小林,黄林培,赵帅营. 大理西湖流域开发历史与硅藻群落变化的模式识别[J]. 生态学杂志, 2017, 28(3): 1001-1012. DOI: 10.13287/j.1001-9332.201703.040
作者姓名:康文刚  陈光杰  王教元  胡葵  陶建霜  刘园园  陈小林  黄林培  赵帅营
作者单位:1.云南师范大学旅游与地理科学学院 高原地理过程与环境变化云南省重点实验室, 昆明 650500 ;2.玉溪师范学院资源环境学院, 云南玉溪 653100
摘    要:有关云南湖泊的研究长期集中于高原九大湖泊和水体富营养化评价,缺少对中小型水体及多重环境压力胁迫的综合研究.本文以大理西湖为例,结合沉积物记录与现代监测资料,甄别了气候变化和人类活动干扰下硅藻群落结构的长期响应模式及其驱动强度.结果表明: 20世纪50年代以前,大理西湖总体处于自然演化阶段;1950年代开始,围湖造田和流域改造的增强导致了水体营养水平增加、水动力条件改变,硅藻优势种由扁圆卵型藻替代为脆杆藻属;而1997年以来营养水平的快速增加和湖泊水动力的改变,促进了浮游藻类大量生长、底栖硅藻持续减少,同时水生植物快速退化、生态系统稳定性明显降低.因此,在长期流域开发的背景下,对云南中小型高山湖泊的有效保护需要评价流域开发类型、强度及全球变暖的长期影响.

关 键 词:大理西湖  沉积物  硅藻  流域开发  富营养化

Identification of the long-term patterns of catchment development and diatom community changes in Xihu Lake,Dali, Yunnan,China
KANG Wen-gang,CHEN Guang-jie,WANG Jiao-yuan,HU Kui,TAO Jian-shuang,LIU Yuan-yuan,CHEN Xiao-lin,HUANG Lin-pei,ZHAO Shuai-ying. Identification of the long-term patterns of catchment development and diatom community changes in Xihu Lake,Dali, Yunnan,China[J]. Chinese Journal of Ecology, 2017, 28(3): 1001-1012. DOI: 10.13287/j.1001-9332.201703.040
Authors:KANG Wen-gang  CHEN Guang-jie  WANG Jiao-yuan  HU Kui  TAO Jian-shuang  LIU Yuan-yuan  CHEN Xiao-lin  HUANG Lin-pei  ZHAO Shuai-ying
Affiliation:1.Yunnan Province Key Laboratory of Plateau Geographical Processes and Environmental Change, School of Tourism and Geography, Yunnan Normal University, Kunming 650500, China ;2.College of Resources and environment, Yuxi Normal University, Yuxi 653100, Yunnan, China
Abstract:Limnological studies have long focused on the nine largest plateau lakes and ecological assessment of lake eutrophication in Yunnan. However, comprehensive surveys of small and me-dium-sized lakes and their response to multiple stressors are largely absent. Here, we combined multi-proxy sediment analyses and documentary data, aiming to identify the long-term pattern of diatom community changes under the influence of climate change and anthropogenic disturbances, and to quantify their driving strengths. The results showed that Xihu Lake was in a pre-impact state with little ecological variability before the 1950s. Thereafter, expansion of land use increased the nutrient input and altered the lake hydrology, resulting in a significant shift of dominant diatoms from Cocconeis placentula to Fragilaria spp. From 1997, accelerating nutrient enrichment and hydrological changes led to the replacement of benthic diatoms by planktonic ones, resulting in a consistent loss of macrophytes and a decrease of ecological stability. Therefore, the types and strength of catchment development should be fully evaluated for effective protection of small and medium-sized alpine lakes in the context of global warming.
Keywords:Xihu Lake  sediments  diatoms  catchment development  eutrophication
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