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Entry of Methylammonium and Ammonium Ions into Chara Internodal Cells
Authors:SMITH, F. A.   WALKER, N. A.
Abstract:Low concentrations of ammonia and methylamine greatly affectmembrane transport by, and the electrical properties of, cellsof Chara corallina (=C. australis). In the presence of theseamines, influx of Cl– and efflux of K+ increase and alarge depolarizing current flows through the cell membrane. Measurements with [14C]methylamine show that methylamine isabsorbed rapidly over a wide pH range, and that the absorptionisotherm is complex. Methylamine influx is not affected by presenceor absence of Cl–, K+, or Na+, but is decreased by additionof . The depolarizing current is associated with a small increase in membrane conductance, except at highpH, and both these effects are reversible. The current showssaturation with increasing amine concentration; when methylamineis 10–12 times more concentrated than ammonia, it producesa current of the same magnitude. The results show that the amines enter the cells as cations( or CH3) except where external pH is high, and that a specific, selective electrogenicporter is involved. There is no need to invoke active transport,as there is no evidence that internal amine concentrations exceedthe equilibrium (Nernst) concentrations.
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