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On the reproductive biology of the sand smelt Atherina boyeri Risso (Pisces: Atherinidae) and its evolutionary potential
Affiliation:Marine Biology Unit, CEGB, Fawley Power Station, Southampton, Hampshire S04 1TW
Abstract:The small, typically estuarine fish Atherina boyeri Risso forms local populations which can differ greatly in their population biology and morphology; this species is viewed as being on the brink of speciation. This analysis of the reproductive strategy shows that A. boyeri can rapidly adapt its life history and morphology to environments ranging from freshwater to polyhaline coastal lagoons and oceanic waters. The optimum strategy is shown to be tied to temperate seasonality: the cold winters act to lengthen the life cycle, and result in cyclic switching of energy between reproduction, somatic growth and fat storage. The adaptability of the fish to a range of environmental characters is viewed as being due to natural selection acting to produce a genotype capable of a flexible phenotypic response. This flexibility is essential for survival in the highly variable inshore/brackish habitat. It is argued that such preadaptive plasticity, coupled with the potential for populations to become isolated, produces ideal conditions for speciation. The importance of the coastal, estuarine and lagoonal environment as a springboard for teleost evolution is discussed.
Keywords:Sand smelt    Atherinidae    Atherina reproductive strategy    population variation    plasticity    evolution    biogeography
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