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Five-color flow cytometric analysis of swine lymphocytes for detection of proliferation,apoptosis, viability,and phenotype
Authors:Waters W Ray  Harkins Kristi R  Wannemuehler Michael J
Affiliation:United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, National Animal Disease Center, Ames, Iowa 50010-0070, USA. rwaters@nadc.ars.usda.gov
BACKGROUND: The objective of this study was to develop a method to simultaneously examine phenotype, proliferation, apoptosis, and death of antigen-stimulated porcine lymphocytes. METHODS: Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) were isolated from pigs vaccinated with a Brachyspira hyodysenteriae bacterin. RESULTS: Once isolated, PBMCs were stained with the fluorescent membrane intercalating dye, PKH67, and cultured with or without B. hyodysenteriae whole-cell sonicate antigen. Serial samples of nonstimulated and B. hyodysenteriae-stimulated PBMCs were harvested for flow cytometric analysis. Fluorochrome excitation was performed with spatially separated air-cooled argon and red helium neon laser beams. Five-color analysis included signal detection of PKH67 (proliferation), phycoerythrin (cell surface antigen), Texas Red phycoerythrin tandem (cell surface antigen), allophycocyanin (annexin V), and 7-amino-actinomysin D (7AAD; viability). For analysis, gates were set on live (annexin V(-), 7AAD(-)), intact apoptotic (annexin V(+), 7AAD(dim)), and live plus intact apoptotic (annexin V(+/-), 7AAD(dim/-)) cells, and the phenotypes of PBMCs within these populations were determined during the course of the in vitro response. Dead cells (i.e., 7AAD(bright)) were excluded from the analysis. CONCLUSION: Application of this method for the determination of porcine lymphocyte subset proliferation is presented.
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