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Founder effects and sex ratio in the gynodioecious Thymus vulgaris L.
Authors:D. MANICACCI,D. COUVET,E. BELHASSEN&dagger  ,P. H. GOUYON&Dagger  ,A. ATLAN§  
Affiliation:CEFE/CNRS, BP 5051, 34033 Montpellier Cedex, France;*Institut d'ecologie, Universite Paris VI, 7 quai St Bernard, 75252 Paris Cedex 05;†INRA, Génétique et Amélioration des plantes, 2 place Viala, 34060, Montpellier Cedex;‡Evolution et Systématique des Végétaux, Bat. 362, UniversitéParis XI, 91405, Orsay Cedex;§Dynamique du Génome et Evolution, I. J. M., Tour 42, UniversitéParis VII, Place Jussieu, 75252 Paris Cedex 05, France
Abstract:Thymus vulgaris is a gynodioecious species (in which females and hermaphrodites coexist) with a highly variable frequency of females among natural populations (5–95%) and a high average female frequency (60%). Sex determination involves both cytoplasmic genes responsible for male sterility, i.e. the female phenotype, and specific nuclear factors responsible for the restoration of male fertility, and thus a hermaphrodite phenotype. In this study, molecular markers of the mitochondrial genome have been used to quantify the cytoplasmic diversity in 11 clumps of individuals observed in four recently founded populations. The very low diversity within patches in conjunction with the strong diversity among patches strongly suggests that clumps of individuals are the result of single matrilinear families. In clumps that contain mainly females, all the analysed females showed the same cytoplasmic pattern. This pattern differed from that shown by neighbouring hermaphrodites, indicating that the determination of sex is locally cytoplasmic. A comparison of genetic diversity before and after fire in one population showed that disturbances may cause a reduction in genetic diversity and a concurrent induction of local cytoplasmic determination of sex. Such cytoplasmic determination of sex in colonizing populations, together with the greater seed set of females, may largely improve the colonizing ability of the species.
Keywords:cytoplasmic male sterility    founder effects    gynodioecy    plant mitochondria    sex ratio    Thymus vulgaris
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