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Ultrastructure of hemoglobin-depleted human erythrocyte resealed ghosts
Authors:H.P. Ting-Beall   M.J. Costello   David Shoemaker  V.F. Holland
Affiliation:1. Department of Anatomy, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC 27710 U.S.A.;2. Departments of Physiology, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC 27710 U.S.A.;3. Monsanto Triangle Park Development Center, Inc., P.O. Box 12274, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 U.S.A.
Abstract:Both negative-stain and freeze-fracture electron microscopic techniques revealed that the ultrastructure of resealed white ghosts prepared at high dilution during the hemolysis step is very different from that of resealed ghosts prepared at low or moderate dilution (pink ghosts). The negative-stained resealed white ghosts showed light halo substructures on membrane surfaces and protrusions at the edge of the ghosts. Freeze-fracturing of these ghosts showed that membrane blebbing had occurred and that fragments of the membranes resealed to form small right-side-out vesicles ranging from 0.1 to 0.3 μm in diameter.
Keywords:Erythrocyte ghost   Hemoglobin depletion   Freeze-fracture   Resealing   (Human)
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