Abstract: | Morphofunctional regularities of formation and development of the blood microcirculatory bed in the human tongue have been studied in the prenatal period of morphogenesis. 119 human embryos and fetuses at the age of 5 weeks--9 months have been investigated. A complex of methods have been used: common histological (hematoxylin--eosin, after van Gieson and Mallory), injection of the lingual vessels with 20% suspension of Indian ink--gelatin, transmissive electron microscopy. General regularities of organogenesis, stages of the blood microcirculatory bed development and peculiarities of the process on formation of the primary protocapillary lingual blood bed are revealed. Regularities in structure of the terminal vascular constructions are studied for each structural element of the organ--mucosal membrane, muscles, glands, lingual tonsil. For these elements at the ultrastructural level certain features of the organic specificity in the structure of the blood microcirculatory bed links are determined. |