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Calculation of leaf photosynthetic parameters from light-response curves for ecophysiological applications
Authors:Alexander Ziegler-Jöns  Helmut Selinger
Affiliation:(1) Arbeitsgruppe Biophysik, Lehrstuhl für Physik, Technische Universität München-Weihenstephan, D-8050 Freising 12, Germany
Abstract:Measurement of the light response of photosynthetic CO2 uptake is often used as an implement in ecophysiological studies. A method is described to calculate photosynthetic parameters, such as the maximum rate of whole electron transport and dissimilative respiration in the light, from the light response of CO2 uptake. Examples of the light-response curves of flag leaves and ears of wheat (Triticum aestivum cv. ARKAS) are shown.Abbreviations and symbols A net photosynthesis rate - D1 rate of dissimilative respiration occurring in the light - f loss factor - I incident PPFD - Iprime effective absorbed PPFD - J rate of whole electron transport - Jm maximum rate of whole electron transport - pc intercellular CO2 partial pressure - PPFD photosynthetic photon flux density - q effectivity factor for the use of light (electrons/quanta) - epsiv absorption coefficient - I* CO2 compensation point in the absence of dissimilative respiration (mgrbar) - II conversion factor for calculation of CO2 uptake from the rate of whole electron transport - THgr convexity factorGas-exchange rates relate to the projective area and are given in mgrmol·m-2·s-1. Electron-transport rates are given in mgrmol electrons·m-2·s-1; PPFD is given in mgrmol quanta·m-2·s-1.
Keywords:Electron transport  Gas exchange  Photosynthesis model  Respiration  Triticum (photosynthesis)
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