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Competition between siratro and kleingrass for15N labelled mineralized nitrogen
Authors:Mohammed Ismaili  R. W. Weaver
Affiliation:(1) Department of Biology, Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdelah University, Robat, Morocco;(2) Soil and Crop Sciences Department, The Texas Agricultural Experimental Station, Texas A and M University, 77843 College Station, TX, USA
Abstract:Summary Isotope dilution provides a method for measuring plant competition for mineral N and transfer of biologically fixed N from a legume to a grass. A plant growth medium was enriched with15N, and used to grow Siratro (Macropitilium atropurpureum D.C. Urb.) and Kleingrass 75 (Panicum coloratum L.) in 20 liter pots for 98 days in a glasshouse. The plants were grown in pure stand and in mixtures. When grown in 50∶50 mixture the grass obtained 59% of the labelled N and the legume obtained 41%. The grass produced nearly as much root mass as the legume even though biomass of the shoots were less than half that of the legume. Reducing the proportion of either plant species in the mixture reduced the proportion of the mineralized N absorbed by that species. The shoots of the grass were significantly more enriched (1.166 atom%15N excess) than the roots (1.036). The grass received 12% of its N as biologically fixed N from the legume.
Keywords:Isotope discrimination   Macropitilium atropurpureum   Nitrogen fixation  Nitrogen transfer   Panicum coloratum   Rhizobia
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