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引用本文:刘桂玲,郑建利,范维娟,段晓光,柳新明,张鹏. 黄河三角洲盐碱地条件下不同甘薯品种耐盐性[J]. 植物生理学通讯, 2011, 0(8): 777-784
作者姓名:刘桂玲  郑建利  范维娟  段晓光  柳新明  张鹏
基金项目:泰安市科技局科技攻关项目(20071021); 山东省科学技术发展计划(2009GG10009033); “863”计划(2009AA10Z102)
摘    要:利用北方薯区当前生产上广泛种植的甘薯新品种,在黄河三角洲盐碱地上开展种植试验,以期选育耐盐甘薯品种。对每个测试品种的重要农艺性状及盐离子含量进行分析。结果表明不同甘薯品种的耐盐性存在差异。除叶片数、分枝数、分枝长度无显著性差异外,其他农艺性状如总鲜重、鲜薯产量、薯块干率、薯干产量、薯块数等都在不同品种中达到显著水平,建议耐盐性的评价指标应以鲜薯和薯干产量为主。对甘薯新生叶片、成熟叶片、须根、块根等不同器官进行Cl-、Ca2+、Na+和K+的含量分析,结果表明不同品种其不同器官中各种盐离子含量差异显著,暗示不同基因型耐盐机制存在差异。基于对鲜薯和薯干产量的比较,筛选出耐盐碱的品种,主要有‘泰中9号’、‘苏薯7号’、‘龙薯1号’、‘徐薯18’等。同时,对甘薯种植前后的土壤总盐分和营养成分的分析显示:甘薯收获后,土壤中的含盐量显著降低。本研究为沿海滩涂培育和种植耐盐碱甘薯新品种进行了有益的尝试,同时也为盐碱地改良和生物质能原材料种植提供了思路。

关 键 词:甘薯  品种  耐盐性  盐碱地  农艺性状

Salinity Tolerance of Different Sweetpotato Varieties on Saline-Alkali Soils of the Yellow River Delta
LIU Gui-Ling,ZHENG Jian-Li,FAN Wei-Juan,DUAN Xiao-Guang,LIU Xin-Ming,ZHANG Peng,, Tai'an Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Tai'an,Sh,ong ,China,National Key Laboratory of Plant Molecular Genetics. Salinity Tolerance of Different Sweetpotato Varieties on Saline-Alkali Soils of the Yellow River Delta[J]. Plant Physiology Communications, 2011, 0(8): 777-784
Authors:LIU Gui-Ling  ZHENG Jian-Li  FAN Wei-Juan  DUAN Xiao-Guang  LIU Xin-Ming  ZHANG Peng     Tai'an Academy of Agricultural Sciences  Tai'an  Sh  ong   China  National Key Laboratory of Plant Molecular Genetics
Affiliation:LIU Gui-Ling1,ZHENG Jian-Li1,FAN Wei-Juan2,DUAN Xiao-Guang2,LIU Xin-Ming1,ZHANG Peng2,3,* 1Tai'an Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Tai'an,Shandong 271000,China,2National Key Laboratory of Plant Molecular Genetics,Institute of Plant Physiology and Ecology,Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Shanghai 200032,3Shanghai Chenshan Plant Science Research Center,Chenshan Botanical Garden,Shanghai 201602
Abstract:To investigate the tolerance capacity of sweetpotato to salinity stress,new-released sweetpotato cultivars in the north region of China were experimented on the saline-alkali soil of the Yellow River Delta.Analysis of their important agronomic traits and salt ion contents revealed differences in salt tolerance among different cultivars of sweetpotato.Except of the number of leaves,and the number and length of branches,significant differences were found in other agronomic traits of tested cultivars,including...
Keywords:sweetpotato  variety  salt tolerance  saline-alkali soil  agronomic trait  
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