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引用本文:张立峰. 论华北农牧交错带生态与经济建设的策略与途径[J]. 应用生态学报, 2003, 14(11): 2054-2056
基金项目:国家重点基础研究发展规划项目(G2 0 0 0 0 1860 6),国家防沙治沙项目 (FS2 0 0 0 0 3 )
摘    要:华北农牧交错带自成型农作至今的百余年内,农牧业长期封闭、耗竭式生产,导致土地资源呈现沙化、碱化与贫瘠化演替,生态退化直接威胁着京、津及华北地区的生态安全,发挥市场经济下区域间互补性合作生产优势,组织农牧产品有效交流,建立开放式农牧生产结构。成为促进华北农牧交错带生态环境与社会经济互依发展的重要策略,基于不同效益主体的建设目标差异性及生态与经济演进态势的矛盾性,提出了华北农牧交错带生态一经济建设的技术途径,通过乔灌围网、草地培育,实现立体与平面相结合的土地生态防护体系;通过集约生产喜凉蔬菜、组织实施南秸北饲,发展区域特色优势产业,实现农业经济的突破。

关 键 词:格木人工林  林龄  碳含量  碳储量  分配  

Strategies and approaches of ecological and economical construction in the ecotone between agriculture and animal husbandry of North China
ZHANG Lifeng. Strategies and approaches of ecological and economical construction in the ecotone between agriculture and animal husbandry of North China[J]. The journal of applied ecology, 2003, 14(11): 2054-2056
Authors:ZHANG Lifeng
Affiliation:Hebei Agricultural University, Baoding 071001, China.
Abstract:After a century's exploitation on agriculture, the agroecosystem in the ecotone between agriculture and animal husbandry of North China has gone on a close and consumptive state, and the soil resources has suffered from desertization, alkalization and degradation. The deterioration of soil resources and eco-environment has threatened the ecological security of the regions in Beijing, Tianjin and North China. The strategies of promoting the ecological and economical development in the ecotone should include building up an opening production structure of agriculture and animal husbandry to input artificial energy from the social system, and organizing a cooperative production on agriculture and animal husbandry by exchanging products between the close regions to gain their profits. Based on the various objectives of the local farmers and the nation in the ecological rehabilitation, and the adverse succession of the ecosystem and economics, some technological approaches for making a breakthrough of economic and ecological construction were put forward, e.g., building up a suitable pattern of arbor or shrub intercropped with artificial pasture to protect soil against wind erosion, developing vegetable production adapted to the cold climate, and raising live stocks with corn residues from agricultural zone of North China, etc..
Keywords:Ecological construction   Economic construction   Ecotone between agriculture and animal husbandry   North China
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