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Study of the distribution of C14-variamycin and C14-mitramycim after intravenous administration to mice]
Authors:E V Bobikov  T G Terent'eva  L I Torbochkina  A B Sokolov  Iu O Sazykin
Abstract:Distribution of antitumor antibiotics, i.e. C14-variamycin and C14-mitramycin in the organs of albino mice after their intravenous administration in single doses was studied. Similarity in the distribution dynamics of both the antibiotics with respect to the animal organs was found. However, the level of variamycin as compared to that of mitramycin was much higher in the liver and especially the spleen. In the experiments with variamycin the radioactivity of the kidney tissue decreased more rapidly than in the experiments with mitramycin. Chromatographic analysis of the urine of the mice treated with C14-variamycin was performed. The labeled Variamycin was detected in the animal urine within 48 hours from the moment of the antibiotic administration. Its portion in the total amount of the radioactive products in the urine was 30 to 40% at various stages of the study.
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