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Tropical freshwater teleosts from Miocene beds of eastern Patagonia, southern Argentina
Authors:Alberto Luis Cione,Marí  a de las Mercedes Azpelicueta,Marí  a Teresa Dozo
Affiliation:a Departamento Científico Paleontología Vertebrados, Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo, 1900 La Plata, Argentina
b Departamento Científico Zoología Vertebrados, Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo, 1900 La Plata, Argentina
c Laboratorio de Paleontología, Centro Nacional Patagónico CONICET, Blvd. Alte. Guillermo Brown s/n, 9120 Puerto Madryn, Chubut, Argentina
Abstract:Loricariid and pimelodid-like siluriforms—along with undetermined percomorph—are described for the first time from Patagonia. Vertebrate fossils, including fish, mammals and birds, were found in beds attributed to the top of the Puerto Madryn Formation. These levels supposedly corresponded to the “Rionegrense marino” of former authors. Mammals occurring in the site suggest a Huayquerian age for the fossiliferous beds. The base of the Huayquerian was dated at about 9 Ma and the top is younger than 6.5 Ma. Radioisotopic dating in the marine shell beds of the Puerto Madryn Formation ranges from 11 to 9 Ma. Consequently, the section described here appears to be younger than the typical Puerto Madryn Formation from which it is separated by an unconformity. The section is correlated with the type Río Negro Formation from northern Patagonia, which also includes Huayquerian fossils. Freshwater fishes were previously unknown in beds younger than the middle Miocene in southern South America. This is also the southernmost record of loricariid fishes. The association of aquatic continental and terrestrial vertebrates indicates for the first time in Península Valdés beds of freshwater origin. The evidence apported by fossils is also in agreement with global climate trends. The local extinction of loricariids in Patagonia possibly occurred much later than the time of deposition.
Keywords:Miocene   Argentina   Siluriformes   Loricariidae   Percomorpha   Continental   Paleogeography   Biochronology
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