Etude préliminaire des effets de la mise en eau du Réservoir de LG-2 (Territoire de la Baie James,Québec) sur le seston grossier et le zooplancton des rivières et des lacs inondés |
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Authors: | Bernadette Pinel-Allout,Ginette Mé thot |
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Abstract: | Preliminary Study of the Effects of Impoundment of LG-2 Reservoir (James Bay Territory, Quebec) on the Net Seston and the Zooplankton of Impounded Rivers and Lakes The effects of impoundment on the biomass of net seston and zooplankton in lakes and rivers of Northern Quebec were investigated from 1978 to 1980, before, during and after the completion of LG2 Reservoir on the River La Grande (53° 54′ N, 76° 78′ W). In lotic stations, a 41–77% decrease in net seston was observed due to sedimentation of mineral particles (36–80 mg/m3 in 1978 to 10–21 mg/m3 in 1979). The ratio of organic to total seston increased from an average of 0.18 before the impoundment to 0.65 after. The flooding phase brought about a trophic upsurge; the biomass of the zooplankton increased by one to two orders of magnitude at the various sites; the greatest increases occurred in the central stations near the dam, the smallest in the upper stations near the inflow. In lake stations, no significant difference between years could be detected; the mean zooplankton biomass for all three years ranged from 6.59 mg/m3 to 34.34 mg/m3. Spatial variations between lakes were however significant. Results are compared with those in other natural lakes in Canada and reservoirs in the United States. Comparative examination of phytoplankton biomass before and after impoundment of LG2 Reservoir suggests that bacterioplankton and allochthonous organic material are key elements in the pelagic food chain after impoundment. |
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Keywords: | zooplankton seston reservoir impoundment impacts |