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Ants on the Move: Resource Limitation of a Litter‐nesting Ant Community in Costa Rica1
Authors:Terrence P. McGlynn
Abstract:The leaf litter of tropical wet forests is replete with itinerant ant nests. Nest movement may help ants evade the constraints of stress and disturbance and increase access to resources. I studied how nest relocation and environmental factors may explain the density, size, and growth of leaf litter ant nests. I decoupled the relationships among litter depth, food abundance, and nest availability in a 4‐mo manipulation of food and leaf litter in a community of litter‐nesting ants in a lowland wet forest in Costa Rica. Over 4 mo, 290 1 m2 treatment and control plots were sampled without replacement. Nest densities doubled in response to food supplementation, but did not decrease in response to litter removal or stress (from litter trampling). The supplementation of food increased the utilization of less favored nesting materials. In response to food supplementation and litter trampling, arboreal ants established nests in the litter, and growth rates of the most common ants (Pheidole spp.) increased. Colony growth was independent of colony size and growth rates of the most abundant ants. In general, I conclude that litter‐nesting ant density is driven primarily by food limitation, that nest relocation behavior significantly affects access to resource and the demographic structure of this community, and that nest fission may be a method to break the growth–reproduction trade‐off.
Keywords:competition  Costa Rica  density  leaf litter  nest relocation  Pheidole  resource limitation  Solenopsis  tropical rain forest
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