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TSG-6 modulates the interaction between hyaluronan and cell surface CD44
Authors:Lesley Jayne  Gál István  Mahoney David J  Cordell Martin R  Rugg Marilyn S  Hyman Robert  Day Anthony J  Mikecz Katalin
Affiliation:Molecular and Cell Biology Laboratory, The Salk Institute, San Diego, California 92186, USA.
Interactions between CD44 and hyaluronan are implicated in the primary adhesion of lymphocytes to endothelium at inflammatory locations. Here we show that preincubation of hyaluronan with full-length recombinant TSG-6 or its Link module domain (Link_TSG6) enhances or induces the binding of hyaluronan to cell surface CD44 on constitutive and inducible cell backgrounds, respectively. These effects are blocked by CD44-specific antibodies and are absent in CD44-negative cells. Enhancement of CD44-mediated interactions of lymphoid cells with hyaluronan by TSG-6 proteins was seen under conditions of flow at shear forces that occur in post-capillary venules. Increases in the number of rolling cells were observed on substrates comprising TSG-6-hyaluronan complexes as compared with a substrate containing hyaluronan alone. In ligand competition experiments, cell surface-bound TSG-6-hyaluronan complexes were more potent than hyaluronan alone in inhibiting cell adhesion to immobilized hyaluronan. Link_TSG6 mutants with impaired hyaluronan binding function had a reduced ability to modulate ligand binding by cell surface CD44. However, some mutants that exhibited close to wild-type hyaluronan binding were found to have either reduced or increased activity, suggesting that some amino acid residues outside of the hyaluronan binding site might be involved in protein self-association, potentially leading to the formation of cross-linked hyaluronan fibers. In turn, cross-linked hyaluronan could increase the binding avidity of CD44 by inducing receptor clustering. The ability of TSG-6 to modulate the interaction of hyaluronan with CD44 has important implications for CD44-mediated cell activity at sites of inflammation, where TSG-6 is expressed.
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