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Flavonoid chemistry of arceuthobium (viscaceae)
Authors:Daniel J. Crawford  Frank G. Hawksworth
Affiliation:1. Botany Department, The Ohio State University, 43210, OH, Columbus
2. Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station and Colorado State University, 80521, Fort Collins, CO
Abstract:Flavonoid compounds from 36 of the 38 known taxa of the genusArceuthobium (dwarf mistletoes) were examined. The flavonoid chemistry of the genus is rather uniform, all taxa producing 3-O-glycosides of the flavonols quercetin and myricetin. No infraspecific chemical variation was encountered, and in those instances where subspecific taxa are recognized, their chemistry was uniform. At the subgeneric level, members of subgenusArceuthobium synthesize primarily glucosides, whereas galactosides are more common in subgenusVaginata. In two of the four Old World species of subgenusArceuthobium (A. juniperi- procerae andA. oxycedri) only myricetin 3-O-glucoside was detected. There are no absolute flavonoid differences between subgenera, sections, or series. On the other hand, flavonoids are useful in several instances at the species level. In several cases, chemical data lend support to the recognition of species which in the past have been considered doubtfully distinct on the basis of morphology.
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