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Review of the Neotropical Isertieae (Rubiaceae)
Authors:M. Cristina García Kirkbride
Affiliation:1. The New York Botanical Garden, 10458, Bronx, NY
All neotropical genera previously included in the tribe Isertieae A. Rich. ex DC. are considered. The tribe Isertieae is here delimited by the following characters: absence of rhaphides, valvate aestivation of the corolla, cordiform or discoid placenta, fleshy indehiscent fruit, and seed coat cells with pitted walls. As so delimited, the tribe definitely includes the neotropical generaIsertia Schreb.,Gonzalagunia Ruiz & Pav.,Amphidasya Standl.,Raritebe Wernh.,Sabicea Aubl., andMussaenda L. as well as some paleotropical genera not here considered. The following neotropical genera are excluded from tribe Isertieae:Hippotis Ruiz & Pav.,Pentagonia Benth.,Sommera Schlecht.,Tammsia Karst.,Coccocypselum P. Browne,Schradera Vahl,Didymochlamys Hook, f., andXerococcus Oerst. The position of four genera,Striolaria Ducke,Patima Aubl.,Habroneuron Standl., andNeosabicea Wernh., remains uncertain due to a lack of material.
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