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Cultivar and pH effects on competition for nodule sites between isolates of Rhizobium in beans
Authors:Alvaro A. T. Vargas  Peter H. Graham
Affiliation:(1) Seçao de Microbiologia do Solo, Centro de Energia Nuclear na Agricultura-USP, 13400 Piracicaba, SP, Brazil;(2) Soil Science Department, University of Minnesota, 55108 St. Paul, MN, USA
Abstract:Two experiments were carried out to evaluate the effect of acidity on bean-Rhizobium competition for nodule sites. SevenPhaseolus vulgaris host cultivars differing in acid-pH tolerance were grown in sand culture, and irrigated using a sub-irrigation system and nutrient solutions of pH 4.5, 5.0, 5.5, and 6.0. A mixed inoculant of two antibiotically markedRhizobium leguminosarum bvphaseoli strains CIAT899 (acid-tolerant) and CIAT632 (acid-sensitive) was used. The acid-tolerant CIAT899 dominated CIAT632 in nodule occupancy across all cultivars and pH treatments. Although several of the varieties had previously been identified as PH-tolerant, and these cultivars performed better than those reported to be acid sensitive, all showed a marked increase in nodulation and plant development when the pH was raised from 4.5 to 6.0. The second experiment using a modified Leonard jar system varied the inoculation ratio between CIAT899 and UMR1116 (acid-sensitive, inefficient in N2-fixation) and contrasted nodulation response for the bean varieties lsquoPreto 143rsquo (pH-tolerant) and lsquoNegro Argelrsquo (pH-sensitive) at 3 pH treatments (4.5, 5.5, 6.5). There was a significant effect of host cultivar, ratio of inoculation, and pH on the percentage of nodule occupancy by each strain. At low pH CIAT899 had higher nodule occupancy than UM1116 in the variety lsquoNegro Argelrsquo but had the same percentage of nodulation when the variety was lsquoPreto 143rsquo. Increasing the cell concentration of UMR1116 produced more inefficient nodules at all treatment combinations and reduced plant growth for both cultivars used.
Keywords:acidity  nitrogen fixation  nodulation  nodule occupancy  Phaseolus vulgaris  Rhizobium leguminosarum bvphaseoli  strain competition
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