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Aerobic hydrogenase activity in Anacystis Nidulans The oxyhydrogen reaction
Authors:Günter A. Peschek
Affiliation:Institute of Physical Chemistry, University of Vienna, Währingerstrasse 42, A-1090 Vienna Austria
Abstract:1. The oxyhydrogen reaction of Anacystis nidulans was studied manometrically and polarographically in whole cells and in cell-free preparations; the activity was found to be associated with the particulate fraction.2. Besides O2, the isolated membranes reduced artificial electron acceptors of positive redox potential; the reactions were unaffected by O2 levels <10–15%; aerobically the artificial acceptors were reduced simultaneously with O2.3. H2-supported O2 uptake was inhibited by CO, KCN and 2-n-heptyl-8-hydroxyquinoline-N-oxide. Inhibition by CO was partly reversed by strong light. Uncouplers stimulated the oxyhydrogen reaction.4. The kinetic properties of O2 uptake by isolated membranes were the same in presence of H2 and of other respiratory substrates.5. Low rates of H2 evolution by the membrane preparations were found in presence of dithionite; methyl viologen stimulated the reaction.6. The results indicate that under certain growth conditions Anacystis synthesizes a membrane-bound hydrogenase which appears to be involved in phosphorylative electron flow from H2 to O2 through the respiratory chain.
Keywords:Hydrogenase  Oxyhydrogen reaction  Respiration  (Anacystis nidulans)  CCCP  DBMIB  DCMU  3-(3′,4′-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea  DCIP  2,6-dichlorophenol-indophenol  DSPD  disalicylidene-1,3-diaminopropane  HOQNO  SDS  sodium dodecyl sulphate  Hepes
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