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Abundance and Population Structure of Ammonia-Oxidizing Bacteria That Inhabit Canal Sediments Receiving Effluents from Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants
Authors:Hidetoshi Urakawa   Hideaki Maki   Sumiko Kawabata   Taketomo Fujiwara   Haruo Ando   Toshio Kawai   Takehiko Hiwatari   Kunio Kohata     Masataka Watanabe
Abstract:A polyphasic, culture-independent study was conducted to investigate the abundance and population structure of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) in canal sediments receiving wastewater discharge. The abundance of AOB ranged from 0.2 to 1.9% and 1.6 to 5.7% of the total bacterial fraction by real-time PCR and immunofluorescence staining, respectively. Clone analysis and restriction endonuclease analysis revealed that the AOB communities influenced by the wastewater discharge were dominated by Nitrosomonas, were similar to each other, and were less diverse than the communities outside of the immediate discharge zone.
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