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5T4 Interacts with TIP-2/GIPC, a PDZ Protein, with Implications for Metastasis
Authors:Abida AwanMelinda R. Lucic  David M. ShawFreda Sheppard  Caroline WestwaterSteve A. Lyons  Peter L. Stern
  • a CRC Immunology Group, The Paterson Institute for Cancer Research, Christie Hospital NHS Trust, Wilmslow Road, Manchester, M20 4BX, United Kingdom
  • b CRC Molecular Biology Group, The Paterson Institute for Cancer Research, Christie Hospital NHS Trust, Wilmslow Road, Manchester, M20 4BX, United Kingdom
  • Abstract:Overexpression of the 5T4 transmembrane glycoprotein can have marked effects on both the actin cytoskeleton and cell migration. Using a yeast two-hybrid approach, we describe a novel interaction between 5T4 and TIP-2/GIPC, a cytoplasmic interacting protein containing a PDZ domain. The cytoplasmic tail of 5T4 contains a class I PDZ-binding motif (Ser-Asp-Val) and we demonstrate that this region, in particular the terminal valine, is required for 5T4 interaction with TIP-2/GIPC. HeLa cells expressing hemagglutinin-tagged TIP-2/GIPC (HA-TIP-2/GIPC) have an altered distribution of endogenous 5T4, which colocalizes with HA-TIP-2/GIPC, thus supporting an interaction. Furthermore, TIP-2/GIPC can be coimmunoprecipitated with 5T4 from HeLa cell lysates. Identification of the 5T4 and TIP-2/GIPC interaction provides the first link between 5T4 and the actin cytoskeleton. Since other proteins, like 5T4, associate with TIP-2/GIPC and are linked with cancer, we explore the possibility that TIP-2/GIPC may be a common factor involved in the cancer process.
    Keywords:oncofetal antigen   metastasis   yeast two hybrid   cytoskeleton   actin
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