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Ultrastructure of poplar cortical cells during the transition from growing to wintering stages and vice versa
Authors:Shonosuke Sagisaka  Minoru Asada  Young Hee Ahn
Affiliation:(1) The Institute of Low Temperature Science, Hokkaido University, 060 Sapporo, Japan
Abstract:Summary Electron microscopic studies revealed that major cytological changes in the cortical cells of poplar (Populus euramericana cv. gelrica) began to occur in early September in conjunction with the metabolic transition from the growing to the wintering stage. During this transition, the cells became temporarily rich in endoplasmic reticulum, polysomes and vesicles. As the conspicuous formation of organelles progressed, the large vacuoles became smaller and filled with osmiophilic materials. Undefined organelles (protein-lipid bodies) also increased in number. From late October until March, organelles involved in protein synthesis were sparsely distributed in the cells, indicating that the number of these organelles is probably linked to the seasonal cycle of protein synthesis. In early February, after release from dormancy, fusion of vacuoles proceeded in the cells. The inclusion of organelles and a gradual decrease in the amount of osmiophilic materials in the vacuoles occurred at this stage. Subsequently, the structure of the cells continued to undergo changes to accommodate growth, which occurred in early May.
Keywords:Microvacuolation  Poplar cortical cell  Protein-lipid body  Seasonal variation  Vacuole fusion
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