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Transfer of habituation between stimulation sites of the siphon withdrawal reflex in Aplysia californica
Authors:J I Goldberg  K Lukowiak
Abstract:Habituation of the siphon withdrawal reflex (SWR) can be evoked by iterative tactile stimuli presented to one of several sites, including the siphon and gill. The SWR evoked at an arbitrary "test" site did not habituate when stimuli were presented at 20-min intervals. However, there was a large decrease in the reflex evoked at the test site when the trial was preceded by 10 repetitive stimuli (interstimuli interval = 30 s) presented to the opposite "habituation" site. Transfer of habituation occurred from gill to siphon stimulation sites, and vice versa. There was a concomitant decrease in the excitatory input evoked in the central siphon motor neurons LDS1 and LDS3. Moreover, transfer of habituation occurred after the abdominal ganglion (central nervous system) was removed. There was little change in the magnitude of the control responses or transfer of habituation after deganglionation. Since transfer of habituation between stimulation sites of the SWR was similar to that reported previously for the gill withdrawal reflex, it was suggested that a common mechanism may underlie the two behaviors.
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