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Abstract:Books reviewed in this article: Antas , P.T.Z. & Cavalcanti , R.B. 1988. Aves Comuns do Planalto Central. Chandler , R.J. 1989. The Macmillan Field Guide to North Atlantic Shorebirds. Clutton -Brock , T.H. (ed.). 1988. Reproductive Success: studies of individual variations in contrasting breeding systems. Delin , H. & Svensson , L. 1988. Photographic Guide to the Birds of Britain and Europe. Dunning , J.S. 1987. South American Birds—a photographic aid to identification. Ewans , M. 1989. Bharatpur Bird Paradise. Frugis , S., Malaguzzi , G., Vicini , G. & Cristina , Grimmett , R.F.A. & Jones , T.A. (eds) 1989. Important Bird Areas in Europe. Hutchinson , C.D. 1989. Birds in Ireland. Iapichino , C. & Massa , B. 1989. The Birds of Sicily. Kilham , L. 1989. The American Crow and the Common Raven. Kooyman , G.L. 1989. Diverse Divers: physiology and behaviour. Mearns , B. & Mearns , R. 1988. Biographies for Birdwatchers Mingozzi , T., Boano , G., Pulcher , C. & Collaborators. Poole , A. 1989. Ospreys: a Natural and Unnatural History. Pringle , J.D. 1987. The Shorebirds of Australia. Rheinwald , G., Ogden , J. & Schulz , H. (eds) 1989. Weißstorch: Status und Schutz. White Stork: Status and Conservation. Roughgarden , J., May , R.M. & Levin S.A. 1989. Perspectives in Ecological Theory. Sheail , J. 1985. Pesticides and Nature Conservation—The British Experience 1950–1975. Stalmaster , M. 1987. The Bald Eagle. Turner , A. & Rose , C. 1989. A Handbook to the Swallows and Martins of the World. Viksne , J. (ed.) 1989. Latvian Breeding Bird Atlas 1980–1984 (in Latvian, Russian and English). Ashmole , M. & P. 1989. Natural History Excursions in Tenerife. Axelson , R.D. 1989. Caring for Your Pet Bird. Bauer , K. 1989. Rote Listen der Gefährdeten Vögel und Säugetiere Österreichs und Verzeichnisse der in Österreich vorkommenden Arten. Bircham , P. 1989. The Birds of Cambridgeshire Boyd , H. & Pirot , J.-Y. (eds) 1989. Flyways and Reserve Networks for Waterbirds. Brasseler , H. 1987. Bibliography of Ornithological Bibliographies II. Donkin , R.A. 1989. The Muscovy Duck Cairina moschata domestica. Elliott , R.E. 1989. Birds of Islay. Flint , V.E., Boehme , R.L., Kostin , Y.V. & Kuznetsov , A.A. 1989. A Field Guide to the Birds of the USSR. Translated from the Russian by N. Bourso-Leland. Holmgren , V.C. 1986. The Way of the Hummingbird. Hulm , P. (ed.) 1989. World Wildlife Conservation Yearbook 1987/88. Inskipp , T., Broad , S. & Luxmoore , R. (eds) 1988. Significant Trade in Wildlife: A review of the Selected Species in CITES Appendix II. Volume 3: Birds Kofalk , H. 1989. No Woman Tenderfoot. Florence Merriam Bailey, Pioneer Naturalist. Kondratiev , A. Ya. 1989. Bulletin of the Working Group on Waders (in Russian). Lohmann , M. & Haarmann , K. 1989. Vogelparadiese—122 Biotope zwischen Wattenmeer und Bodensee. Lorand , S. & Atkin , K. 1989. The Birds of Lincolnshire and South Humberside. Monval , J.-Y. & Pirot , J.-Y. (rds) 1989. Results of the IWRB International Waterfowl Census 1967–1986. Moss , S. 1988. Natural History of the Antarctic Peninsula. Ogilvie , M. & Winter , S. (eds) 1989. Best Days with British Birds. Orton , D.A. 1989. The Hawkwatcher. Adventures among birds of prey in the wild. Paynter , R.A. Jr. 1989. Ornithological Gazetteer of Paraguay. 2nd ed. Pemberton , J.E. (ed.) 1989. The Birdwatcher's Yearbook and Diary 1990. Pickford , P. & B., & Tarboton , W. 1989. African Birds of Prey. Reilly , P. 1988. The Lyrebird. Santa Barbara Software Products 1988. World Birdbase: Users Manual. Santa Barbara: Santa Barbara Software Products. Schembri , P.J. & Sultana , J. (ed.) 1989. Red Data Book for the Maltese Islands. Scottish Chouch Study Group . 1989. Choughs and Land-use in Europe. Van Someren , G.R. Cunningham & Van Someren , L.A. 1989. Van Somerens' Birds I.
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