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引用本文:王锦秀,刘宏茂,许再富,付德志,高雷. 民间植物分类系统与区域性物种多样性快速评估--以西双版纳傣族为例[J]. 广西植物, 2003, 23(6): 523-527
作者姓名:王锦秀  刘宏茂  许再富  付德志  高雷
摘    要:生物多样性的快速流失 ,使传统分类工作在热带物种多样性评估中显出不足 ,而民间分类系统在区域性物种多样性快速评估中的作用已经引起人们的重视。前人对西双版纳傣族民间植物命名和分类系统已做过研究 ,该文在此基础上 ,探讨能否将这种知识用于区域性物种多样性快速评估。利用生物多样性快速编目、样方调查及民族植物学中民间访谈的方法 ,考察了三个傣族村寨原住民的植物识别能力。结果表明 ,傣族原住民的植物识别程度与其年龄呈显著正相关 ,中年以后识别能力趋于稳定 ,识别率高达 91 %以上。通过与长期在西双版纳地区工作的野外植物分类学家相比较 ,我们发现傣族原住民的植物识别率不低于分类学家 ,且所需时间比分类学家少。作者认为 ,民间植物分类系统可以用于局部地区的物种多样性快速评估。

关 键 词:傣族  民间植物分类系统  植物识别能力  物种多样性快速评估

Folk plant taxonomic system and rapid assessment of regional plant diversity--A case study in Xishuangbanna
WANG Jin-xiu. Folk plant taxonomic system and rapid assessment of regional plant diversity--A case study in Xishuangbanna[J]. Guihaia, 2003, 23(6): 523-527
Authors:WANG Jin-xiu
Affiliation:WANG Jin-xiu~
Abstract:The so fast loss of biodiversity in tropical area makes the classic taxonomic work not adequate in rapid biodiversity assessment. Thus,the folk taxonomy has attracted increasing attention. Dai people in Xishuangbanna have their own folk plant nomenclature and classification system. We tested the Dai people's plant identification ability by using Rapid Biodiversity Inventory, quadrat method,and folk interviews. The results showed that over 91% of the total plants collected around the villages can be identified by the Dai people in short time, and the rate of plants identified by Dai people is significantly correlated with ages. The middle-aged people can distinguish as many plants as the best field taxonomists do, but in less time. This indicates that the folk taxonomy system may be used in rapid assessment of regional plant species diversity.
Keywords:Dai people  folk taxonomy  plant identification ability  rapid assessment of species diversity  
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