The Effect of Temperature and Light on Gas Exchange and Acid Accumulation in the C3-CAM Plant Clusia minor L |
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Abstract: | Gas exchange and organic acid accumulation of the C3-CAM intermediateClusia minor L. were investigated in response to various day/nighttemperatures and two light regimes (low and high PAR). For bothlight levels equal day/night temperatures between 20°C and30°C caused a typical C3 gas exchange pattern with all CO2uptake occurring during daylight hours. A day/ night temperatureof 15°C caused a negative CO2 balance over a 24 h periodfor low-PAR-grown plants while high-PAR-grown plants showeda CAM gas exchange pattern with most CO2 uptake taking placeduring the dark period. However, there was always a considerablenight-time accumulation of malic acid which increased when thenight-time temperature was lowered and had its maximum (54 mmolm2) at day/night temperature of 30/15°C. A significantamount of malic acid accumulation (23 mmol m2) in low-PAR-grownplants was observed only at 30/15°C. Recycling of respiratoryCO2 in terms of malic acid accumulation reached between 2·0and 21·5 mmol m2 for high-PAR-grown plants whilethere was no significant recycling for low-PAR-grown plants.Both low and high-PAR-grown plants showed considerable night-timeaccumulation of citric acid. Indeed under several temperatureregimes low-PAR-grown plants showed day/night changes in citricacid levels whereas malic acid levels remained approximatelyconstant or slightly decreased. It is hypothesized that lowand high-PAR-grown plants have different requirements for citrate.In high-PAR-grown plants, the breakdown of citrate preventsphotoinhibition by increasing internal CO2 levels, whereas inlow-PAR-grown plants the night-time accumulation of citric acidmay function as an energy and carbon saving mechanism. Key words: C. minor, C3, CAM, citric acid, light intensity |
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