Expansion/contraction of mammalian mitochondrial DNA repeats in Escherichia coli mimics the mitochondrial heteroplasmy. |
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Authors: | A Pfeuty M Guéride G Lecellier |
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Affiliation: | Université de Versailles Saint Quentin en Yvelines, CNRS-UPRESA 8087, Equipe Biogenèse Mitochondriale, Batiment Fermat. 45, Avenue des Etats-Unis, Versailles Cedex, 78035, France. |
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Abstract: | Length polymorphism due to tandem repeats is a common feature in animal mitochondrial DNA. The rabbit mitochondrial genome contains a 20 bp repeat domain, which generates a general heteroplasmic state. The observed polymorphic patterns suggest a dynamic equilibrium between gain and loss of units that maintains the copy number in the range 3-19 repeat units. In the apparent absence of recombination, slipped-strand mispairing during replication appears to be the primary cause of additions and deletions. To investigate this hypothesis we have set up a plasmid assay in Escherichia coli. A variable number of repeat units was inserted into a plasmid in both orientations relative to the colE1 origin of replication. Our data show that (i) a minimum unit number (>3) is necessary to generate length polymorphs, (ii) the number of events increases with the length tract, (iii) an excess of additions over deletions is found when the copy number is less than 10 and the trend is reversed when it is over 10, (iv) the frequency of deletions-additions is dependent on the orientation, (v) the polymorphism patterns are different according to the orientation. The length polymorphic pattern generated in the bacteria, in one orientation, mimics that observed in the mitochondria, suggesting that slipped mispairing between repeated sequences during DNA replication is responsible for the mitochondrial heteroplasmic state. |
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