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Arterial Shear Stress Reduces Eph-B4 Expression in Adult Human Veins
Authors:Lynn S. Model  Michael R. Hall  Daniel J. Wong  Akihito Muto  Yuka Kondo  Kenneth R. Ziegler  Amanda Feigel  Clay Quint  Laura Niklason  Alan Dardik
Affiliation:aDepartment of Surgery, Yale School of Medicine, New Haven, Connecticut;bVascular Biology and Therapeutics Program, Yale School of Medicine, New Haven, Connecticut;cDepartment of Biomedical Engineering, Yale School of Engineering & Applied Science, New Haven, Connecticut;dVA Connecticut Healthcare System, West Haven, Connecticut
Vein graft adaptation to the arterial environment is characterized by loss of venous identity, with reduced Ephrin type-B receptor 4 (Eph-B4) expression but without increased Ephrin-B2 expression. We examined changes of vessel identity of human saphenous veins in a flow circuit in which shear stress could be precisely controlled. Medium circulated at arterial or venous magnitudes of laminar shear stress for 24 hours; histologic, protein, and RNA analyses of vein segments were performed. Vein endothelium remained viable and functional, with platelet endothelial cell adhesion molecule (PECAM)-expressing cells on the luminal surface. Venous Eph-B4 expression diminished (p = .002), Ephrin-B2 expression was not induced (p = .268), and expression of osteopontin (p = .002) was increased with exposure to arterial magnitudes of shear stress. Similar changes were not found in veins placed under venous flow or static conditions. These data show that human saphenous veins remain viable during ex vivo application of shear stress in a bioreactor, without loss of the venous endothelium. Arterial magnitudes of shear stress cause loss of venous identity without gain of arterial identity in human veins perfused ex vivo. Shear stress alone, without immunologic or hormonal influence, is capable of inducing changes in vessel identity and, specifically, loss of venous identity.
Keywords:vein graft adaptation   EphB4   Ephrin-B2   osteopontin   shear stress   bioreactor   Saphenous vein
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