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Les associations des calpionelles du Berriasien et du Valanginien inférieur de la Tunisie septentrionale. Comparaison avec les associations du Rif externe (Maroc)
Authors:Sonia Ben Abdesselam-Mahdaoui  Mohamed Benzaggagh  Saloua Razgallah  Alouani Rebah  Benzarti Rakia
Affiliation:aDépartement de géologie, université Almanar, faculté des sciences, Tunis, Tunisie;bDépartement de géologie, université Moulay Ismail, faculté des sciences, BP 11201, Beni M’Hamed, Meknès, Maroc;cDépartement des sciences de la Terre, faculté des sciences de Bizerte, Jarzouna, Tunisie
Abstract:The study of ten thin sections from outcrops from Lower Cretaceous deposits and several thin sections obtained from three petroleum wells, allow us to better characterize the associations of calpionellid zones and subzones of the Berriasian and Lower Valanginian in northern Tunisia. The B and C zones, respectively, show three and two levels with calpionellid associations corresponding to B1, B2, B3 and C1, C2 subzones. In the D zone, associations of the D1 and D2 subzones were identified. The E zone has been characterized for the first time in Tunisia and in southern-Tethyan margin of North Africa, on the basis of its index specie and associated species.
Keywords:Mots clé  s: Berriasien   Valanginien infé  rieur   Calpionelles   Zones   Sous-zones   Tunisie septentrionale
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