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Osmotic and ionic regulation in Nitella
Authors:Nakagawa, Shigeo   Kataoka, Hironao   Tazawa, Masashi
Affiliation:Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences, Osaka University Toyonaka, Osaka 560, Japan
When the osmotic value of an internodal cell of Nitella flexiliswas modified by the method of transcellular osmosis, the normalosmotic value was chiefly restored by the release or absorptionof K+. The release or uptake of Na+ was observed only when themodification of osmotic value was significant. Both the uptakeand release of K+ were linearly dependent on the degree of modificationof the osmotic value. The effectiveness of alkali metal cationsin restoring the osmotic value in cells of lower osmotic valueswas in the order K+>Rb+>Na+, Cs+>Li+. The absorptionof K+ by cells of lower osmotic values depended strongly ontemperature, while the release of K+ from cells of higher osmoticvalues did not. To clarify whether the Nitella cell regulates the osmotic valueor regulates the concentration of K+ in the vacuole, the cellsap was exchanged for artificial cell saps whose osmotic valuesand ionic concentrations were varied independent of each other.It was shown that in Nitella two regulating mechanisms are operating,one which regulates the osmotic value of the cell sap irrespectiveof the level of vacuolar K+ (0.1–140 mM) and another whichregulates the vacuolar K+-level when it is abnormaly high (>160mM). Both mechanisms are assumed to operate in order to keepthe concentration of K+ in the cytoplasm at a constant level.The presence of Na+ (0–100 mM) and Ca2+ (5–40 mM)did not affect the movement of K+ during osmoregulation. 1Present address: Sanki Engineering Limited, Nagaokakyo, Kyoto,Japan. (Received December 19, 1973; )
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