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Water Deficit and Inflorescence Development in Zea mays L.
Affiliation:Department of Plant Physiology, Waite Agricultural Research Institute, The University of Adelaide Glen Osmond, South Australia 5064
Abstract:A water deficit imposed during the period of terminal male inflorescenceinitiation and early development reduced both the growth rateand the mature size of that organ in Zea mays (cv. Iochief).Growth and development of the axillary shoots, the potentialfemale inflorescences, was inhibited during the episode of waterdeficit but promoted thereafter. As a result, plants which hadbeen subjected to a water deficit at that period produced 2–3mature cobs and relatively large axillary shoots at the lowernodes, whereas plants supplied with water throughout produceda single mature cob and relatively small axillary shoots. A water deficit imposed during other growth phases did not producethis response and, moreover, a further period of deficit imposedlater in development, following a deficit at the sensitive stage,inhibited the enlargement of the axillary shoots invoked bythe earlier deficit. It did not, however, inhibit the enhancedfloral development of those axillary shoots nor reverse theinhibition of tassel growth. The data are discussed in relation to correlative inhibitionin Zea mays.
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