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Life history, ecology and parasite community structure in Soviet birds
Affiliation:University of Oxford, Department of Zoology, South Parks Road, Oxford 0X1 3PS
The paper describes an investigation of parasite richness in relation to host life history and ecology using data from an extensive survey of helminth parasites (cestodes, trematodes and nematodes) in Soviet birds. Correlates of parasite richness (number of parasite species per host species) were sought among 13 life-history variables, 13 ecological variables and one non-biological variable (number of host individuals examined) across a sample of 158 species of host. A statistical method to control for the effects of phylogenetic association was adopted throughout. Parasite richness correlates positively with the number of hosts examined (sample size) in all three parasite groups. Positive correlations (after controlling for the effects of sample size) were also found between host body weight and parasite richness for trematodes and nematodes, but not for cestodes.
A number of ecological variables were associated with parasite richness. However, when the effects of sample size and body weight were controlled for, only a single significant correlation (an association between trematode richness and aquatic habitat) remained. Similarly, a number of significant correlates of parasite richness were found among the life-history variables examined. Though several of these were robust to the confounding effects of sample size, all could be explained by the co-variation between life-history traits and body weight among the host species under investigation.
Keywords:Parasite communities    helminth richness    cestodes    trematodes    nematodes    sample size    body weight
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