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Proposed molten globule intermediates in fd phage penetration and assembly
Authors:A K Dunker  L D Ensign  G E Arnold  L M Roberts
Affiliation:Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Washington State University, Pullman 99164.
The fd filamentous phage can be contracted to short rods called I-forms and to spheroidal particles called S-forms. The conversions from fd----I-forms----S-forms were previously suggested to mimic steps in fd penetration. The same conversions, in reverse order, were suggested to mimic steps in fd assembly. The I-forms and S-forms bind the hydrophobic probe, 1-anilino-napthalene-8-sulfonate (ANS); under the same conditions, fd binds this probe very poorly. Rigidly packed side chains in fd and nonrigidly packed side chains in I-forms and S-forms would explain the differences in ANS binding. A compilation of the properties of I-forms and S-forms indicate that: (i) they have compact structures; (ii) they have secondary structures of the same type as native phage; (iii) they have non-native morphologies; and (iv) they may have nonrigid side chain packing. These are the properties of molten globules.
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