Abstract: | To characterize the four common Qa-1 allelic products, we examined in detail the CTL-defined determinants encoded by Qa-1. In previous studies with anti-Qa-1 CTL and alloantisera, investigators have described antigenic determinants present on Qa-1a and Qa-1b antigens, but they have defined Qa-1c and Qa-1d exclusively by their cross-reactivity with Qa-1a and/or Qa-1b determinants. To delineate further the CTL-defined determinants encoded by Qa-1d, we generated CTL clones with Qa-1d specificity and demonstrated that the Qa-1d molecule expressed determinants that were not detected on Qa-1a, Qa-1b, or Qa-1c target cells. Other CTL clones derived from anti-Qa-1d MLC recognized new antigenic determinants on Qa-1c that cross-reacted with Qa-1d. Each of the four common Qa-1 phenotypes was shown to exhibit unique antigenic determinants. In addition, Qa-1d anti-Qa-1a and Qa-1d anti-Qa-1b CTL confirmed extensive cross-reactivity among these Qa-1 alloantigens. Analysis of CTL from these four immunizations also resulted in the isolation of Qa-1a-specific and Qa-1d-specific CTL clones that cross-reacted with H-2Df and H-2Ks, respectively. |